Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Jeremy is 9 months old!

My little baby is going to be a toddler soon. I am not ready for it yet.
He is 16.2 lb, which is 7kg 350g. But I will know for sure in a week when we go see our pediatrician and get some shots.
Jeremy is doing great at everything, you can't tell he was a preemie anymore.
He is sitting up by him self and not falling over.
He can stand and hold just with one hand.
Trying to crawl, but unsuccessful for now.
Still doesn't have any teeth, but I guess we will see one very soon.
Does not like baby food... 2-3 spoons is his limit. Only yogurt he can eat a little more, but even that can't finish a half of the box. He is fully breastfeed baby and all he wants is milk and mama. But he will eat my food just fine - small pieces of chicken, bread, broccoli - some of his favorites.
Starting to not like strangers and today even started crying when one lady tried to touch his hand.
Every time he sees me he opens his arm wanting to be picked up. Watching every step I do and gets fussy if I walk past him and not pick him up.
Very mamas little boy.
The nights are unchanged, still up every 2-2.5 hours to eat. We are lucky if we get 3+ hours, which doesn't happen very often.


  1. Машуль, ну какой же он лапочка! Сладкий мальчишечка, очень на сестренок похож)))))

    1. Спасибо! Да он очень на них похож и каждый раз на разную:))
