Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Pick your own blueberry

This is like our family tradition already, every year we go to Washington farm to pick our own berries. In April we got strawberries and in June-July it was blueberry season.
This farm is great! Very clean, big and not crowded. For blueberries we came at the end of the season, so we had to look for berries, but it still took about 30 minutes to get 1 gallon bucket.

They also have strawberry ice cream for sale, which is awesome!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Мне так нравится эта идея с фермами, что можно самим все собирать!

    1. И нам нравится. Точно знаешь что хорошие ягодки выберешь
